
# | Representative Works |
1 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Meizhen Chen, “JTCP, Jitter-based for Wireless Networks”, IEEE Journal of Selected Area Communications (JSAC) Vol. 22, No. 4, May 2004, pp. 757-766. (SCI) (Impact Factor: 2.64) |
# | Important Publications |
1 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Pei-hung Chuang, "Dynamic QoS allocation for Multimedia Ad hoc Wireless Networks", ACM Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) 6, Aug 2001, pp. 377-384. (SCI) |
2 | Chun-Yuah Chiu, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen, “Stability Aware Cluster Routing Protocol for mobile Ad-Hoc Network”, Journal on Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing (WCMC) , vol. 3, no. 4, 2003, pp. 503-515. (SCI) |
3 | Ming-Hui Jin, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Jorng-Tzong Horng,” A Decomposition Approach for Fixed Channel Assignment Problems in large scale cellular networks”, Journal of communications and networks, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 43-54, March 2003 (SCI)(ISSN 1229-2370). |
4 | C.-H. Chang and Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, “AMRST: Adaptive Multicast Routing for Satellite-Terrestrial Network”, Elsevier Journal of Computer Networks, 43 (2003), pp. 713-734. (SCI) |
5 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu and Chao-Hsu Chang, “An Intelligent Routing Protocol for the Global Broadband Satellite-Terristrial Network”, Journal of Computers, Vol.15, No 1, March 2003. (EI) |
6 | Ming-Hui Jin, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Yu-Ting Wang, Chin-Hua Hsu, “Location Query Based on Moving Behaviors”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2736, Sep. 2003, pp. 297-307. (SCI) |
7 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Yi-Zhan Huang, “Dynamic Adaptive Routing for a Heterogeneous Wireless Network”, ACM Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) Vol. 9, June 2004, pp. 219-233. (SCI) |
8 | Ming-Hui Jin, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Chaohsu Chang,” An intelligent Handover Scheme for the next generation Personal Communication System”, Journal of Communications and Networks, Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2004, pp. 245-257. (SCI) (ISSN 1229-2370) |
9 | Yi-Hsien Tseng, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Kuen-Long Shieh, and Gen-Huey Chen, “Efficient Resource Allocation for IEEE 802.15.3(a) Ad Hoc Networks”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 3283, Springer, Nov. 2004, pp. 128-142. (SCI) |
10 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Wei-Ren Yang “Pragmatic General Multicast Congestion Control Protocol for Wireless Networks”, Journal on Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing (WCMC), 2005. (SCI), June 2005, Vol 5, No. 4, pp. 487-499. |
11 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Chiang Jui-Hao and Hsin-Pu Chung,” An Adaptive Scheduled Transmission Strategy for Multimedia Services in WCDMA Systems” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Volume 3619, Springer, July. 2005, pp. 128-142. (SCI )(ISSN: 0302-9743) |
12 | Chia-Cheng Hu, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Gen-Huey Chen, Chiang Jui-Hao” Mobility-Aware On-demand Global Hosts for Ad-Hoc Multicast” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Volume 3619, Springer, July. 2005, pp. 128-142. (SCI)( ISSN: 0302-9743) |
13 | Chun-Yuan Chiu, Yu-Liang Juo, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Gen-Huey Chen, “An Intelligent Mechanism for Increasing the Bandwidth Utilization of QoS Applications in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks”, WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Issue 11, Vol 4, November 2005, pp. 1237-1243. (SCI, EI) |
14 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Ming-I-Hsieh, Hsu-Te Lai “A Novel Low Latency Packet Scheduling Scheme for Broadband Networks”, to appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, Nov. 2005. (SCI) |
15 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Ming-I Hsieh, Chung-Yuan Knight Chang“SARS: A linear Source Model Based Adaptive Rate Control Schme for TCP-Friendly Real Time MPEG-4 Video Streaming”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, Nov. 2005. (SCI) |
16 | Shyh-Fang Huang, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, “Adaptive VoIP smoothing of Pareto Traffic based on Optimal E-model Quality”, to appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, Nov. 2005. (SCI) |
17 | Chiang-chen Hu, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen “OGHAM: On-Demand Global Hosts for Mobile Ad-Hoc Multicast Services”, Elsevier Journal of Ad hoc Networks. Vol 6, 2006 (SCI) |
18 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Yu-Hsun Chen and Hsin-Pu Chung,” TASS: An Adaptive Scheduled Transmission Strategy for Multimedia Services in WCDMA Systems” will appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, January. 2006. (SCI) |
19 | Ming-I Hsieh and Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, “Postgate: QoS-aware Bandwidth Management for Last-mile ADSL Broadband Services”, WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Issue 5, Vol 5, May 2006. (SCI, EI) |
20 | Shyh-Fang Huang, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Pao-Chi Chang, “A New Optimal Adaptive Voice Smoother Based on Lagranigian Multipler Method for VoIP Service”, WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Issue 5, Vol 5, May 2006. (SCI, EI) |
21 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Ming-I Hsieh, Hsu-Te Lai, “Low latency and efficient packet scheduling for streaming applications”, to in Elsevier Journal of Computer Communications, Volume 29, Issue 9, May 2006, pp. 1413-1421. (SCI) |
22 | Shyh-fang Huang, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Pao-Chi Chang, ”Adaptive Voice Smoothing Scheme with Optimal E-Model Method for VoIP services”, in IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E89-B, No. 6, pp. 1862-1868, July 2006. (SCI) |
23 | Ming-I Hsieh, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Meng-Feng Tsai, “FasterDSP: A Faster Approximation Algorithm for Directed Steiner Tree Problem” in Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE). Nov, 2006 (SCI) |
24 | Shyh-Fang Huang, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, “Adaptive VoIP smoothing with Optimal Playback Delay Based on the ITU-T E-Model”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). (SCI) 2006 |
25 | Yu-Liang Kuo, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Gen-Huey Chen, “HQR: Hidden Route Aware QoS Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, in WSEAS Transactions on Communications 2006. (SCI) |
26 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Yu-Chen Huang and Gui-Kui Chang, “EJTCP: Enhanced Jitter-based TCP for Wireless Broadband Network”, in Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE). Nov 2006 (SCI) |
27 | Yi-Hsien Tseng, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen, “Scene-Change Aware Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for Real-time VBR Video Transmission over IEEE 802.15.3 Wireless Home Networks, in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Volume 9, Issue 3, April 2007, pp. 642-654. (SCI) |
28 | Ming-Hui Jin, Jorng-Tzong Horng, and Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, “Location Query Based on Moving Behaviors”, in Elsevier Journal of Information Systems. Volume 32, No. 3, May 2007, pp. 385-401. (SCI) |
29 | Yi-Hsien Tseng, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Gen-Huey Chen, “An On-line Measurement-based Admission control for VBR Video Traffic in Wireless Multimedia Home Networks”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, June 2007. |
30 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Wei-Li Chang, Hsuan-Hao Chan, “Rate-Adapted Channel Assignment and Routing Algorithm for Multi-Channel WirelessMAN Mesh Networks, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, June 2007. |
31 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Wei-Li Chang, Chun-Wei Chen, “Gateway Zone Mulit-path Routing in Wireless Mesh Network”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, June 2007. |
32 | Yu-Chen Huang, Chun-Shien Lu, and Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, “JitterPath: One-Way Delay Jitter-based Available Bandwidth Estimation for Multimedia QoS”, in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Volume 9, Issue 4, June 2007, pp. 798-812 (SCI) |
33 | Chun-Yuah Chiu, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen, “A Reliable and Efficient MAC Layer Broadcast (Multicast) Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, July 2007, Volume 56, Issue 4, pp. 2296-2305 (SCI) |
34 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Yu-Chen Huang and Gui-Kui Chang, “EJTCP: Enhanced Jitter-based TCP for Wireless Broadband Network”, in Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE). Nov 2007 (SCI) |
35 | Yu-Hsun Chen, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, “Group-based Relay Protocol for Reliable Mutlicast Service for Future Wireless Networks”, in International Journal of Electrical Engineering. 2008 |
36 | Chun-Yuah Chiu, Yuliang Kuo, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen “Bandwidth-Constrained Routing Problem in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks”, in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Vol 19, No. 1, January 2008, p.p. 4-14. (SCI) |
37 | Chiang-chen Hu, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen, “Bandwidth Satisfied Multicast tree in MANETs”, in IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 712-723, Feb., 2008 . (SCI) |
38 | Yi-Hsien Tseng, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Gen-Huey Chen, “An Admission Control Scheme Based on On-Line Measurement for VBR Video Streams over Wireless Home Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. (SCI) 2008, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 470-479, April, 2008 . (SCI) |
39 | Yu-Liang Kuo, Kun-Wei Lai, Frank Yeong-Sung Lin, Yean-Fu Wen, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen, “Multirate Throughput Optimization With Fairness Constraints in Wireless Local Area Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Vol. 58, No. 5, pp. 2417-2425, June 2009. (SCI). |
40 | Chiang-Chen Hu, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen, “Stable Backbone Hosts and Stable Multicast Routes in Two-Tier Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks”, in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Vol 58, No. 9, pp. 5020-5036 Nov 2009 (SCI). |
41 | Pratap Kumar Sahu, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Jagruti Sahoo, Mario Gerla (2010, Dec). DDOR: Destination Discovery Oriented Routing in Highway/Freeway VANETs. Springer Telecommunication Systems, 50, 267-284. (SCI). 本人為通訊作者. |
42 | Jyh-Ming Chen, Ching-Hsiang Chu, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Meng-Feng Tsai, and Jian-Ren Wang (2011, Jan). Improving SCTP Performance by Jitter-based Congestion Control over Wired-Wireless Networks. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2011. (SCI). 本人為通訊作者. |
43 | Jagruti Sahoo, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu,Pratap Kumar Sahu, and Mario Gerla (2011, Sep). Binary-Partition-Assisted MAC-Layer Broadcast for Emergency Message Dissemination in VANETs. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, VOL. 12, NO. 3, P. 757-P. 770. (SCI). |
44 | Hsien-Cheng Weng, Yu-Hsun Chen, Eric Hsiaokuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen (2012, May). Correlated Data Gathering with Double Tress in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Sensors Journal., Vol. 62, No.5, pp. 1147-1156. (SCI). 本人為 通訊作者. |
45 | Han-Chiuan Luo, Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Gen-Huey Chen (2013, Jan). A Transmission Power/Rate Control Scheme in CSMA/CA-Based Wireless Ad Hoc Networks.. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology., Vol. 62, No. 1, pp.427- 431. (SCI). |
46 | Pratap Kumar Sahu, Eric HsiaoKuang Wu, Jagruti Sahoo, Mario Gerla (2013, Mar). BAHG: Back-Bone-Assisted Hop Greedy Routing for VANET's City Environments. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. , vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 199-213. (SCI). 本人為通訊作者. |
47 | Jyh-Ming Chen, Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Hsiang-Wei Lu, Ching-Hsiang Chu and Meng-Feng Tsai (2013, May). Channel condition self-clocked packet scheduling scheme for wireless networks. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2013:131, pp 1-pp 18. |
48 | Pratap Kumar Sahu, Eric HsiaoKuang Wu, Jagruti Sahoo (2013, Aug). DuRT: Dual RSSI Trend Based Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE sensor journal, Vol. 13. No. 8. pp. 3115-3123. (SCI). 本人為通訊作者. |
49 | Jagruti Sahoo, Eric Hsiaokuang Wu, Pratap Kumar Sahu, Mario Gerla (2013, Sep). Congestion Controlled Coordinator based MAC for Safety-Critical Message Transmission in VANETs. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems., Vol. 14, No. 3, pp 1423-1437. (SCI). 本人為通訊作者. |
50 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu,*, Jagruti Sahoo, Chi-Yun Liu, Ming-Hui Jin, Shu Hui Lin (2014, Jan). “Agile Urban Parking Recommendation Service for Intelligent Vehicular Guiding System.” IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 6(1):35-49. (SCI). |
51 | Lyu-Han Chen, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Ming-Hui Jin, and Gen-Huey Chen (2014, Apr). “Homogeneous Features Utilization to Address the Device Heterogeneity Problem in Fingerprint Localization.” IEEE Sensors Journal, 14(4):998-1005. (SCI). |
52 | Lyu-Han Chen, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Ming-Hui Jin, and Gen-Huey Chen (2014, Nov). “Intelligent Fusion of Wi-Fi and Inertial Sensor-Based Positioning Systems for Indoor Pedestrian Navigation.” IEEE Sensor Journal, Vol. 14 No. 11, pp. 4034-4042. (SCI). |
53 | Cheng Yu-Chun, Cheng-Fu Chou, Eric Hsiaokuang Wu, Gen-Huey Chen (2015, Oct). A Cognitive TCP Design for a Cognitive Radio Network with an Unstable- Bandwidth Link. IEEE Transactions on Computer, Vol. 64 No. 10 , pp.2730- 2740. (SCI). 本人為通訊作者. |
54 | Shu-Hui Lin, Chung-Yu Chen, Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Ching-Yao Chan, Emery Jou (2016, Jan). A New e-Bus System Using Two-Way Government Radio Networks. IEEE Intelligent transportation systems magazine, Vol. 8 No. 1, pp.51-60. 本人為通訊作者. |
55 | Yu-Chun Cheng, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Gen-Huey Chen. “A Decentralized MAC Protocol for Unfairness Problems in Coexistent Heterogeneous Cognitive-Radio-Networks Scenarios with Collision-Based Primary Users.” IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 346-357, March 2016. (SCI). |
56 | Binayak Kar, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Ying-Dar Lin "The Budgeted Maximum Coverage Problem in Partially Deployed Software Defined Networks"IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT, VOL. 13, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2016, pp 394- 406. |
57 | Min-Te Sun, Ching-Hsiang Chu,Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Member, and Chi-Sen Hsiao (2016, Dec). Efficient Articulation Point Collaborative Exploration for Reliable Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL , VOL. 16, NO. 23, PP. 8578-8588. 本人為通訊作者. |
58 | Yu-Hsun Chen, Chia-Cheng Hu, Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Shu-Min Chuang, and Gen-Huey Chen (2017, Jan). A Delay-Sensitive Multicast Protocol for Network Capacity Enhancement in Multirate MANETs. IEEE Systems Journal. March 2018, Vol 12, No 1, pp. 926-937. |
59 | Min-Te Sun, Ching-Hsiang Chu, Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Chi-Sen Hsiao, and Andy An-Kai Jeng (2017, Mar).Distributed Topology Control for Energy-Efficient and Reliable Wireless Communications. IEEE Systems Journal, Volume: 12, Issue:3, SEPTEMBER 2018, pp. 2152-2161. 本人為通訊作者 |
60 | Yu-Hsun Chen, Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu and Gen-Huey Chen (2017, Jun), "Bandwidth-Satisfied Multicast by Multiple Trees and Network Coding in Lossy MANETs," IEEE Systems Journal, Volume: 11, Issue:2, pp. 1116-1127. 本人為通訊作者. |
61 | Yu-Hsun Chen, Eric Hsiaokuang Wu, Jiun-Han Lin, and Gen-Huey Chen, "Bandwidth-Satisfied and Coding-Aware Multicast Protocol in MANETs," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume. 17, Issue. 8, AUGUST 2018, pp 1778-1790. |
62 | Binayak Kar, Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu, and Ying-Dar Lin,"Energy Cost Optimization in Dynamic Placement of Virtualized Network Function Chains," (2018, Mar) IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Volume: 15, Issue: 1, pp.372-386 |
63 | Chun-Han Lin, Lyu-Han Chen, Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Ming-Hui Jin, Gen-Huey Chen, Jose Luis Garcia Gomez, and Cheng-Fu Chou, "An Indoor Positioning Algorithm Based on Fingerprint and Mobility Prediction in RSS Fluctuation-Prone WLANs," (2019, May) will appear in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetis: Systems. 本人為通訊作者 |
64 | Lieu-Hen Chen, Hao-Ming Hung, Chen-Yu Sun, Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Yasufumi Takama, "CANavi: Synthesizing Cartoon-Like Animation for Street Navigation Based on Google Maps," (2019, Sep) will appear in IEEE Intelligent transportation systems magazine. 本人為通訊作者. |
65 | Jiun-Fu Chen, Chieh-Chih Wang, Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu, and Cheng-Fu Chou, "Simultaneous Heterogeneous Sensor Localization, Joint Tracking, and Upper Extremity Modeling for Stroke," (2019, Dec) will appear in IEEE system journal. |
66 | Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Chun-Han Lin, Yu-Yen Ou, Chen-Zhong Liu, Wei-Kai Wang, Chi-Yun Chao, "Advantages and Constraints of a Hybrid Model K-12 E-Learning Assistant Chatbot," (2020, April) IEEE Access, Volume: 8, Issue:1, pp. 77788-77801. |
67 | Binayak Kar, Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Ying-Dar Lin, "Communication and Computing Cost Optimization of Meshed Hierarchical NFV Datacenters," (2020, May) IEEE Access, Volume: 8, pp. 1-15. |
68 | Shih-Ching Yeh, Sheng-Yang Lin, Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Kai-Feng Zhang, Xiu Xu, Albert Rizzo, Chia-Ru Chung, "A Virtual-Reality System Integrated with Neuro-Behavior Sensing for Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder Intelligent Assessment," (2020, June) will appear in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. |
# | International Conference Proceedings |
1 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Ming-Hui Jin, Jorng-Tzong Horng, “Personal Paging Area Design Based On Mobiles Moving Behaviors”, Proceedings of IEEE Infocom 2001, April 2001. |
2 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Ming-Hui Jin, Jorng-Tzong Horng,” An Evolutionary Approach to Fixed Channel Assignment Problems with Limited Bandwidth Constraint”, Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2001, June 2001. |
3 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Chao-hsu Chang, “Adaptive Multicast Routing for Satellite-Terrestrial Network”, Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2001, Nov 2001. |
4 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Yi-Zhan Huang, Jui-Hao Chiang, “Dynamic Adaptive Routing for Heterogeneous Wireless Network”, Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2001, Nov 2001. |
5 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Yao-Hsin Chou, “Prompt Connecting Mechanism and Multiple-code Support for Bluetooth Personal Area Network”, Proceedings of European Wireless 2002. |
6 | Ming-Hui Jin, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Jorng-Tzong Horng, “An Intelligent Handoff Scheme Based on Location Prediction Technologies”, Proceedings of European Wireless 2002. |
7 | Hand-Chiuan Luo, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Gen-Huey Chen, and Jui-Hao Chiang, “A Fast Bluetooth Symmetric Link Protocol-SF/CAI (Scan First/Collision Avoidance Inquire), Proceedings of European Wireless 2002 |
8 | Laner Yu-Liang Kuo, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, G.H. Chen, “Intra-Cell Predictive Reservation Schme for Wireless Multimedia Networks”, Proceedings of ICWN’2002. |
9 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Hao-Wei Chang, Shi-Yang Chen, Chunhung Lin” Performance Evaluation of HMA Transmission Strategy in WCDMA downlink”, Proceedings of IEEE ICWN’2002 |
10 | Ming-Hui Jin, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Jorng-Tzong Horng, “Location Query Based on Moving Behavior”, Proceedings of IEEE ICCCN’2002. |
11 | Cha-hsu Chang, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu,”An Intelligent Multicast Protocol for Satellite Terrestrial Broadband Network”, Proceedings of IEEE ICCCN’ 2002. |
12 | Ming-Hui Jin, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Jorng-Tzong Horng,” A Channel Allocation Algorithm for large scale cellular networks” Proceedings of IEEE ICPADS’2002 |
13 | Chun-Yuah Chiu, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Gen-Huey Chen, “Stability Aware Cluster Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Network”, Proceedings of IEEE ICPADS’2002. |
14 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Hao-Wei Chang, Kevin Chihcheng Hsu” A QoS-based Hybrid Multiple Access Transmission Strategy in WCDMA downlink”, Proceedings of IEEE WCNC 2003 |
15 | Shi-Yang Chen, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Yi-Shuang Chen, “A New Approach Using Time-Based Model for TCP-Friendly Rate Estimation”, Proceedings of IEEE ICC2003 |
16 | Chiang-chen Hu, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen OGHAM:On-demand Global Hosts for Ad-hoc Multicast using Minimum Distance Facility Location”, Proceedings of IEEE ICC2003 |
17 | Ming-Hui Jin, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Jorng-Tzong Horng, Chen-Yan Kao, “Location Query Based on Moving Behaviors”, Proceedings of ACM Dexa 2003 |
18 | Yi-Hsien Tseng, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Gen-Huey Chen, “Maximum Traffic Scheduling and Capacility for IEEE 802.15.3 High Data Rate MAC Protocol”, Proceedings of IEEE VTC 2003. |
19 | Yu-Liang Kuo, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Gen-Huey Chen, “Throughput Analysis of the Enhanced Distributed Coordination Function in the IEEE 802.11 e”, Proceedings of IEEE VTC 2003. |
20 | Ming-Hui Jin, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Yun-Bin Liao, Hui-Chun Liao, “802.11-based positioning system for Context Aware Applications”, Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2003. |
21 | Yu-Liang Juo, Chi-Hung Lu, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Gen-Huey Chen, “An Admission Control Stragegy for Differentiated Service in IEEE 802.11”, Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2003. |
22 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Hsu-Te Lai, Meng-feng Tsai,” Low Latency and Efficient Packet Scheduling for Streaming Applications”, Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2004. |
23 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Chien-Shao Tseng, ChungYuan Chang, Meng-feng Tsai,”TMRC: A Load-Adaptive TCP-Friendly Rate Control Protocol for Real Time Multimedia Applications” Proceedings of IEEE ICC2004. |
24 | Chia-Hao Hsu, Yu-Liang Kuo, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen, “QoS Routing in Mobile Ad hoc Networks based on Enhanced Distributed Coordination Function”, Proceedings of IEEE VTC 2004. |
25 | Hung-Wei Tseng, Shih-Hsien Yang, Po-Yu Chuang, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen, “An Energy Consumption Analytic Model for A Wireless Sensor MAC Protocol”, Proceedings of IEEE PIMRC 2004, Spain. |
26 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Ming-I Hsieh, Zhi-Hao, and Jen-Yuang Chiang, “Application Layer Multipoint Conference Using SIP”, Proceedings of IEEE PIMRC 2004, Volume 3, p2129-2133, Sep 2004, Spain. |
27 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Ming-I Hsieh, Mei-Zhen Chen, and Shao-Yi Huang, “JTCP: Congestion Distinction by the Jitter-based Scheme over Wireless Networks”, Proceedings of IEEE PIMRC 2004. Volume 4, p2473-2477, Sep 2004. |
28 | Jui-Hao Chiang, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen, “Location-aware Routing for Ultra-wideband Wireless Ad hoc Networks”, Proceedings of Intelcomm 2004. |
29 | Yi-Hsien Tseng, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Kuen-Long Shieh, and Gen-Huey Chen, “Efficeint Resource Allocation for IEEE 802.15.3(a) Ad Hoc Networks”, Proceedings of Intelcomm 2004, pp. 297-307. |
30 | Chun-Yuah Chiu, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen, “A Reliable and Efficient MAC Layer Broadcast (Multicast) Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, Proceedings of Globecom 2004, Dallas, Texas. |
31 | Yu-Chen Huang, Chun-Shien Lu, and Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, “Reliable Available Bandwidth Estimation based on Distinguishing Queueing Regions and Resolving False Estimation” Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2004, Dallas, Texas. |
32 | Yu-Liang Kuo, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen, “Noncooperative Admission Control for Differentiated Services in IEEE 802.11 WLANs: Game Theoretic Framework”, Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2004, Dallas, Texas. |
33 | Yi-Hsien Tseng, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Kuen-Long Shieh, and Gen-Huey Chen, “Adaptive Real Time Video Traffic Preditor for IEEE 802.15.3 Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, 4th Mediterranean Workshop on Ad-Hoc Networks (MED-HOC-NET) 2005, Ile de Porquerolles, June 21-24, 2005 |
34 | Yu-Liang Kuo, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen, “Admission Control for Differentiated Service in Wireless Mesh Networks” Meshnets workshop, July 2005 |
35 | Chiang-chen Hu, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen OGHAM:”Bandwidth-Satisfied Multicast Trees in MANETs”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (IEEE WiMob’ 2005), Canada, August 2005. |
36 | Chun-Yuan Chiu, Yu-Liang Juo, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Gen-Huey Chen, “An Intelligent Mechanism for Increasing the Bandwidth Utilization of QoS Applications in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks”, Proceedings of 2005 WSEAS International Conference on Applied Electrognetics, Wireless and Optical Communications, Corfu, Greece, August 2005. |
37 | Chiang-chen Hu, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen, “Two Bandwidth Violation Problem and Bandwidth-Satisfied Multicast Trees in MANETs”, 10th IFIP International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications PWC 2005, Paris, August, 2005. |
38 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Ming-I-Hsieh, Hsu-Te Lai “A Novel Low Latency Packet Scheduling Scheme for Broadband Networks”, in Proceedings of PCM 2005, Nov. 2005. |
39 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Ming-I Hsieh, Chung-Yuan Knight Chang“SARS: A linear Source Model Based Adaptive Rate Control Schme for TCP-Friendly Real Time MPEG-4 Video Streaming”, in Proceedings of PCM 2005, Nov. 2005. |
40 | Shyh-Fang Huang, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, “Adaptive VoIP smoothing of Pareto Traffic based on Optimal E-model Quality”, in Proceedings of PCM 2005, Nov. 2005. |
41 | Yu-Liang Kuo, Kun-Wei Lai, Frank Yeong-Sung Lin, Yean-Fu Wen, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen, “Multirate Throughput Optimization for Wireless Local Wireless Network Abnomaly Problem”, in Proceedings of IEEE Broadnet’ 2005, Boston, 2005. |
42 | Shih-Hsien Yang_, Hung-Wei Tseng_, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wuy, and Gen-Huey Chen, “Utilization Based Duty Cycle Tuning MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”, in Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2005, Dec 2005. |
43 | Yu-Chen Huang, Chun-Shien Lu, and Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, “Available Bandwidth Estimation via One-Way Delay Jitter and Queueing Delay Propagation Model”, in Proceedings of IEEE WCNC 2006, Las Vegas, U.S.A. |
44 | Yu-Liang Kuo, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Gen-Huey Chen, “Hidden Route Aware QoS Routing Protocol for Mobile Multimedia Ad Hoc Networks”, in Proceedings of Applications of Electrical Engineering (AEE ‘ 06) , Prague, Czech Republic, March 12-14, 2006. |
45 | Ming-I Hsieh and Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, “Postgate: QoS-aware Bandwidth Management for Last-mile ADSL Broadband Services”, WSEAS 5th WSEAS Int. Conf. on APPLIED COMPUTER SCIENCE (ACOS '06) May, 2006. |
46 | Shyh-Fang Huang, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Pao-Chi Chang, “A New Optimal Adaptive Voice Smoother Based on Lagranigian Multipler Method for VoIP Service”, 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS & SIGNAL PROCESSING (MUSP '06), May 2006. |
47 | Shao-Yi Hung, Po-Yu Chuang, Yi-Hsieng Tseng, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen, “Energy Efficient TCP Transmission for IEEE 802.15.3 WPAN, in Proceedings of IEEE PIMRC 2006, Helsinki, Finland, September, 2006. |
48 | Shang-Chin Hung, Shao-Yi Hung, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen, ”A Decentralized CR System Algorithm for Cognitive Borrowing Scheme from Primary Users”, in Proceedings of IEEE PIMRC 2006, Helsinki, Finland, September, 2006. |
49 | Yi-Hsien Tseng, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Gen-Huey Chen, “An On-line Measurement-based Admission control for VBR Video Traffic in Wireless Multimedia Home Networks”, in Proceedings of IFIP Networking 2007, May 2007. |
50 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Wei-Li Chang, Hsuan-Hao Chan, “Rate-Adapted Channel Assignment and Routing Algorithm for Multi-Channel WirelessMAN Mesh Networks, in Proceedings of UIC 2007, June 2007. |
51 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Wei-Li Chang, Chun-Wei Chen, “Gateway Zone Mulit-path Routing in Wireless Mesh Network”, in Proceedings of UIC 2007, June 2007. |
52 | Hsien-Cheng Weng¤, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wuy, and Gen-Huey Chen, “A 2-Approximation Double-Tree Algorithm for Correlated Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks”, in Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2007, December 2007. USA. |
53 | Chia-Chen Hung, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, “Mobility Pattern Aware Routing for Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks”, in IEEE WCNC 2008, April 2008, U.S.A. |
54 | Shao-Yi Hung, Yu-Chen Cheng, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Gen-Huey Chen, “An Opportunistic Cognitive MAC Protocol for Coexistence with WLAN”, in IEEE ICC 2008, May 2008, China. |
55 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Pratap Kumar Sahu, Jagruti Sahoo, “Destination Discovery Oriented Position Based Routing in VANET”, in Proceedings of IEEE VON 2008, Nov 2008, Taiwan. |
56 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Hubert Chi-Yu Wu, Yi-Kai Chiang, Yu-Che Hsieh, Jih-Cheng Chiu, Kuan-Ru Peng, “A Context Aware Interactive Robot Educational Platform”, in Proceedings of IEEE Digital Games and Intelligent Toys Based Education, Nov 2008, Canada. |
57 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu*, Yong-Lung Ding, Ji-Yuang Liu, Yi-Kai Chiang, "A Context Aware Interactive Robot for Broadband Wireless Learning", in 10th International Conference on Mobile Data Management 2009, May, Taiwan |
58 | Jagruti Sahoo, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Mario Gerla, “BPAP: Binary Partition Assisted Emergency Broadcast Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks”, in Proceedings of IEEE ICCCN 2009, August, U.S.A. |
59 | Yu-Hsun Chen, Chia-Cheng Hu, Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, Gen-Huey Chen, “Delay-Guaranteed Multicast Routing in Multi-Rate MANETs”, in Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2009, Nov 2009, Honolulu. |
60 | Yu-Hsun Chen, Gen-Huey Chen, and Eric Hsiaokuang Wu (2010, Sep). Multiple trees with network coding for efficient and reliable multicast in MANETs. IEEE 2010 International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops (ICPPW) , U.S.A.. |
61 | Lyu-Han Chen, Gen-Huey Chen, Ming-Hui Jin, and Eric Hsiaokuang Wu (2010, Sep). A Novel RSS-based Indoor Positioning Algorithm Using Mobility Prediction. IEEE 2010 International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops (ICPPW), U.S.A.. |
62 | Yu-Chun Cheng, Eric Hsiaokuang Wu, and Gen-Huey Chen (2010, Nov). A New Wireless TCP Issue in Cognitive Radio Networks. The First International Conference on Networking and Computing. |
63 | Han-Chiuan Luo, Eric Hsiaokuang Wu and Gen-Huey Chen (2011, Sep). From Spatial Reuse to Transmission Power Control for CSMA/CA Based Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE ICPP 2011, Taiwan. |
64 | Han-Chiuan Luo, Eric Hsiaokuang Wu and Gen-Huey Chen (2011, Nov). Minimizing Ceased Areas with Power Control for Spatial Reuse in IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE ICPADS 2011, Taiwan. |
65 | Lyu-Han Chen, Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Ming-I, Jorng-Tzong Horng, Gen-Huey Chen (2012, Jul). Credit-based Low Latency Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Real Time Applications. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite (IEEE COMNETSAT 2012), Indonesia. 本人為通訊作者. |
66 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, S.S. Yen, W.T. Hsiao, C.H, Tsai, Y.J. Chen, W.C. Lee,Yu- Wei Chen (2013, Aug). Cross-platform Mobile Personal Health Assistant APP Development for Health Check . IWNA 2013 - 2013 International Workshop on Networking and Applications (IWNA 2013) , Taipei. 本人為第一作者、通訊作 者. |
67 | Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Chung-Yu Chen, Ming-Hui Jin and Shu-Hui Lin (2013, Aug). Innovative Wireless Dedicated Network for e-Bus. IWNA 2013 - 2013 International Workshop on Networking and Applications (IWNA 2013) , Taipei. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. |
68 | Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu, C.C. Tseng, Y.Y. Yang, P.Y. Cai, S.S. Yen,Yu-Wei Chen (2013, Aug). Cross-platform And Light-weight Stroke Rehabilitation System for New Generation Pervasive Healthcare . IWNA 2013 - 2013 International Workshop on Networking and Applications (IWNA 2013) . 本人為第一作者、通 訊作者. |
69 | Binayak Kar and Eric Hsiao-kuang Wu (2013, Aug). Authentication of Real-time Communication System using KIS Scheme. IWNA 2013 - 2013 International Workshop on Networking and Applications (IWNA 2013) , Taipei. 本人為通訊 作者. |
70 | Ching-Hsiang Chu, Jyh-Ming Chen, and Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu (2013, Nov). A New Transport Protocol for Cloud Servers. The 6th IEEE International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing , Japan. 本人為通訊作者. |
71 | Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu,Chi-WeiLiao (2015, Jul). Design of a Customized Video Player Framework for Android Learning TV . The International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science, Tokyo, Japan. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. |
72 | Eric Hsiaokuang Wu, Yen-Hui Kuo, Chen-Yen Shih, Hsiao-Ping Huang (2016).A DRM System for Multimedia Content in Mobile Applications . The International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science (ICENS-Summer 2016), Kyoto, Japan. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. |
73 | Shumin Chuan, Eric Hsiaokuang Wu, Ding-Jie Huang (2017, Aug). Clock Skew based Security Enhancement for Machine Type Communication Devices. The International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science, Sapporo, Japan. |
74 | Shumin Chuang, Wen-Dian Xia, Feng-Chun Hs, Jorng-Tzong Horng, Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu (2017, Aug). Messager System for K-12. The Internal Conference on Engineering and Natural Science, Sapporo, Japan. 本人為通訊作者. |
75 | Yuehua Ji, Yanrong Xu, Yanyan Huang, Liang Wei, Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Shih-Ching The, “Diagnostic and Rehabilitation System for Alzheimer’s Disease Based on Virtual Reality Technology in Rehabilitation Rooms”, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS 2019). |
76 | Yunchuan Tan, Daqian Zhu, Hongyun Gao, Ting-Wei Lin, Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Shih-Ching Yeh, “Virtual Classroom: An ADHD Assessment and Diagnosis System Based on Virtual Reality”, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS 2019). |
# | Project Name | Work As | Period | Project ID | Commissioned Agency |
1 | EWAMIS (Wireless Adaptive Mobile Information System) | Project Research Assistance | 1993/9/1 ~ 1997/8/31 | J-FBI-93-112 | 美國國防部 ARPA/CSTO |
2 | 無基地台無線行動網路的語音支援 | Principal Investigator | 1998/1/1 ~ 1998/7/1 | JNSC 87-2218-E-008-029 | 行政院國科會 |
3 | 具服務品質保證的行動多媒體資訊系統法 "Mobile Multimedia information System With Quality of Service" 子計畫四︰提供服務品質保證的無線子網路系統 | Principal Investigator | 1998/8/1 ~ 1999/7/31 | JNSC 88-2213-E-008-016 | 行政院國科會 |
4 | 可從新商議服務品質保證的無線ATM網路 | Principal Investigator | 1998/8/1 ~ 1999/7/31 | NSC 88-2213-E-008-028 | 美行政院國科會 |
5 | 衛星直撥網際網路與遠距教學計畫 | Principal Investigator | 1998/9/1 ~ 1999/6/31 | 行政院教育部 | |
6 | 國內個人通信產業環境建構規劃研究 | Technical Standard Team Co-Principal Investigator | 1998/6/1 ~ 1999/4/31 | NII產業發展協進會 | |
7 | 具服務品質保證的行動多媒體資訊系統法"Mobile Multimedia information System With Quality of Service"子計畫四︰提供服務品質保證的無線子網路系統 (II) | Principal Investigator | 1999/8/1 ~ 2000/7/31 | NSC 88-2213-E-008-016 | 行政院國科會 |
8 | LMDS 無線寬頻網路實驗 | Principal Investigator | 1999/9/1 ~ 2000/6/31 | J-FBI-93-112 | 美國休斯網路公司 |
9 | 大學追求卓越計畫第一分項子計畫二:隨身學習資訊系統 | Principal Investigator | 1999/1/1 ~ 2000/12/31 | 美行政院教育部 | |
10 | WAP Developments 研究 | Principal Investigator | 2000/5/1 ~ 2001/2/31 | 台灣大哥大股份有限公司 | |
11 | GRPS 研究 | Principal Investigator | 2000/5/1 ~ 2001/4/31 | 台灣大哥大股份有限公司 | |
12 | 多媒體與多重服務之數位用戶迴路通訊系統-子計劃五:xDSL網路上支援可調式服務 | Principal Investigator | 2000/8/1 ~ 2001/7/31 | NSC 89-2218-E-008-022 | 美行政院國科會 |
13 | Cellular IP for 3GPP | Principal Investigator | 2001/6/1 ~ 2001/12/31 | 資策會(III) | |
14 | 多媒體與多重服務之數位用戶迴路通訊系統-子計劃五 (II): xDSL網路上支援可調式服務 | Principal Investigator | 2001/8/1 ~ 2002/7/31 | NSC 89-2218-E-008-022 | 美行政院國科會 |
15 | 由3G UMTS演化到ALL IP 核心網路架構及功能之研究 | Principal Investigator | 2002/1/1 ~ 2002/12/31 | 911262 | 資策會 |
16 | 具適性及高互動性之隨身學習系統 | Principal Investigator | 2002/4/1 ~ 2003/3/311 | 911823 | 教育部 |
17 | 802.11為基礎的新一代無線個人通訊系統 | Principal Investigator | 2002/8/1 ~ 2003/7/31 | NSC91-2213-E-008-046 | 行政院國科會 |
18 | Triangle Boy 網路安全 – 三角小子研究 | Principal Investigator | 2002/7/1 ~ 2003/6/30 | J-FBI-93-112 | 通訊中心 |
19 | SNMPv3 實作 | Principal Investigator | 2002/7/1 ~ 2002/12/31 | 台達電子公司 | |
20 | IP協定中語音、傳真、影像封包鑑識與還原技術研究 | Principal Investigator | 2003.03.01 ~ 2003.12.31 | 通訊中心 | |
21 | IP協定中檔案傳輸(FTP)封包鑑識與還原技術研究 | Principal Investigator | 2003.08.01 ~ 2003.12.31 | 921332 | 通訊中心 |
22 | 3GPP最新技術規範演進之研究 | Principal Investigator | 2003.01.01 ~ 2003.12.31 | 921673 | 資訊工業策進會 |
23 | 隨身學習資訊系統--具適性及高互性之隨身學習系統 | Principal Investigator | 2003.04.01 ~ 2004.4.30 | 921326 | 教育部 |
24 | IEEE 802.11競爭模式下品質保證實現以支援新世代時效性服務 | Principal Investigator | 2003.08.01 ~ 2004.7.31 | 922157 (編號:NSC92-2213-E-008-038) | 行政院國家科學委員會 |