Wireless Environment Measurement Tool
SIP Phone
Setup Guide

~ 檔案下載 ~ Detector 使用說明 ~ SIP Phnoe使用說明 ~ 使用結果

Sip Phone  
  ~ # ./sipphone -f ua.cfg 執行程式
  ua.cfg 說明
屬性 數值-範例 屬性說明
User_Name string wwtt Your phone number
Proxy_Server string IP address of SIP Proxy
Pass_Word string 123456 Your password
Display_Name string wwtt_IPAQ Name to display instead of User Name
SIP_Transport string UDP Transport can be either TCP or UDP
Register_From string IP of machine this user agent is registering from
Register_To string IP of registrar, if different from SIP Proxy
Register_Expires string 300 Time (in seconds) until registration expires
Device_Name string /dev/dsp Name of sound card
Min_RTP_Port string 10000 Lowest port number in range of RTP ports
Max_RTP_Port string 10999 Highest port number in range of RTP ports
NATAddress_IP string Public IP where RTP should be routed
LogFilename string /user/sip/sip.log Name of file for log messages (ie /home/logfiles)
LogLevel string LOG_ERR Use LOG_ERR for normal operation, LOG_DEBUG_STACK for debugging
Register_On bool False Register the SIP server or not
Register_Expires int 60000  
Register_Action string proxy