Course Outline
Slides and Papers
Handout and Quiz

Guest Book


 ◎ homework4 have been uploaded. (2021/1/12)
 ◎ homework3 have been uploaded. (2020/12/08)
 ◎ homework2 have been uploaded. (2020/10/26)
 ◎ homework1 have been uploaded. (2020/10/05)
 ◎ Dear Everyone, This is new TA.
      If there has any question, please email to (2020/09/25)
 ◎ homework1 have been uploaded. (2019/09/25)
 ◎ homework2 have been uploaded. (2019/10/23)
 ◎ homework3 have been uploaded. Mail to (2019/11/20)
 ◎ Android Experiment1 Slide (HW Deadline:2019/10/30 9:00) (2019/10/30)
 ◎ experiment1 have been uploaded. (2019/10/30)
 ◎ experiment2 have been uploaded. (2019/10/30)
 ◎ Dear Everyone, This is new TA.
      If there has any question, please email to (2019/09/25)
 ◎ homework4 have been uploaded. (2019/01/05)
 ◎ homework3 have been uploaded. (2018/12/05)
 ◎ homework2 have been uploaded. (2018/11/28)
 ◎ homework1 have been uploaded. (2018/10/01)
 ◎ Android HW1 Slide (HW Deadline:9/26 9:00) (2018/09/19)
 ◎ Dear Everyone, This is new TA.
      If there has any question, please email to (2018/09/19)
 ◎ slides4, slides5, slides6 have been uploaded. (2015/05/06)
 ◎ handout2, handout3, slides2, slides3, quiz2, quiz3 and quiz4 have been uploaded. (2015/03/25)
 ◎ handout1, slides1, quiz0, and quiz1 have been uploaded. (2015/03/04)
 ◎ Dear Everyone, This is new TA.
      If there has any question, please email to (2015/03/04)
 ◎ Hello, handout4, handout5, handout6, handout7, and homework3 have been updated.(2013/12/12)
 ◎ The slide6 have been updated, and the deadline of experiment2 can be postponed to 12/13(Fri) (2013/12/04)
 ◎ The slide5 have been updated, and the midterm exam will held on 12/18(Wed) (2013/11/27)
 ◎ The Lab will held on 11/20(Wed) 9:00 at A208. Please bring your notebook and faka board. (2013/11/15)
 ◎ Hello, slide4, quiz5, and homework2 have been updated. (2013/11/13)
 ◎ Hello, Experiment1 and 2 has been updated. (2013/11/08)
 Homework1 record and Slides has been updated. (2013/10/24)
 ◎ If there has any question, please email to (2013/10/16)
 ◎ Dear Everyone, This is new TA. ~^.^~ (2013/10/16)
 ◎ 各位同學好,上課投影片第7章已上傳,請自行下載(2012/12/11)
 ◎ 各位同學好,上課投影片第6章已上傳,請自行下載(2012/12/04)
 ◎ 各位同學好,上課投影片第5章已上傳,請自行下載(2012/11/27)
 ◎ 各位同學好,明天(2012/11/14)上實驗課教室為A208(2012/11/14)
 ◎ 請各位同學先安裝好編譯環境(Linux與Android source code),需要載點的同學請至[Ubuntu 11.04]及[vmware]下載,vmware的密碼請mail來信索取(2012/11/13)
 ◎ 各位同學好,上課投影片第2, 3, 4章已上傳,請自行下載(2012/10/30)
 ◎ 各位同學好,實驗1的教學投影片下載點為,中間以「底線」連接,不是空白,請特別注意!(2012/10/01)
 ◎ 各位同學好,上課投影片第1章及實驗1皆已上傳,請自行下載(2012/10/01)
 新TA上任, 請大家多多指教! 如有問題, 可 mail 聯絡...(2012/10/01)
 卸任啦~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~謝謝大家...(2012/1/20)
 ◎ 各位同學好,上課講義10和11章,以上傳至講義區,請自行下載...(2012/01/03)
 ◎ 各位同學好,DEMO時間為明天(01/03),12:00~16:00,假如超過這段時間沒有來做DEMO的,請自行寄信給我,並且會被我視為遲交歐...(2012/01/02)
 ◎ 各位同學好,DEMO時間為下周二,請各位同學記得來LAB做DEMO的動作歐...(2011/12/29)
 ◎ 各位同學好,上課投影片第九章已經上傳至講義區,請自行下載...(2011/12/26)
 ◎ 假若在git apply .patch檔的部分出現,找不到,請至此下載...(2011/12/26)
 ◎ 各位同學好,上課投影片第八章已經上傳至講義區,請自行下載...(2011/12/20)
 ◎ 各位同學好,實驗三的講義及投影片已經上傳至講義區,請自行下載...(2011/12/19)
 ◎ 各位同學好,上課投影片已經上傳至講義區,請自行下載...(2011/12/13)
 ◎ 各位同學好,實驗二延期至11/25(五)進行DEMO,DEMO時段於上午10.30至下午4.00前,並找此檔案中的助教進行DEMOEXCEL檔...(2011/11/17)
 ◎ 各位同學好,有些同學在編譯file system時會有出現錯誤的訊息,假若出現的訊息是sgx的錯誤,請執行sudo apt-get install expect,謝謝...(2011/11/11)
 ◎ 各位同學好,實驗二期限為2011/11/18(五)前要至R3-402做DEMO的動作...(2011/11/11)
 ◎ 各位同學好,實驗二有部分指令以及資料的遺漏,我已將補充文件(addition file)上傳至Handout區,請自行下載...(2011/11/11)
 ◎ 各位同學好,我已將實驗二需求的講義放置於Handout區,請自行下載,並且請完成裡面的要求...(2011/11/07)
 ◎ 各位同學好,此連結Ubuntu 11.04版本,若有需要請自行下載...(2011/11/03)
 ◎ 各位同學好,此連結vmware是虛擬機,若有需要請來信通知,我會給予密碼...(2011/11/03)
 ◎ Quiz2~4以及Handout1~2,已上傳至Handout區,若有需要請自行下載...(2011/10/31)
 ◎ 實驗一講義以及第三章的投影片,已上傳至Handout區及Slide區,若有需要請自行下載...(2011/10/25)
 ◎ 貼心小提醒: 今日上課所說的實驗1,將檔案放入於模擬器中,可用Eclipse中的DDMS 或是 adb install的命令提示字元即可...(2011/10/19)
 ◎ 已將投影片上傳,並已修正連結。 助教已回信給所有寄信繳交作業的同學了,至於繳交紙本的,我也已登記了,請各位同學檢查信箱看使否有收到回信...(2011/10/19)
 ◎ 9/21上課所發的作業1、quiz0、quiz1都已上傳至講義區了和作業區 ...(2011/10/11)
 ◎ 9/21上課所發的作業1,繳交期限為10/19 早上九點上課前 ...(2011/10/11)
 ◎ 9/28 教師節,感謝師長的辛勞,所以停課一天 ...(2011/09/21)
 ◎ 若有需要加選的同學,請至R3-402 WMLAB(無線多媒體實驗室) 向TA拿取密碼卡...(2011/09/15)
 ◎ 本週(2011/09/14)課程因吳曉光教授有事暫停一次,下周開始正式上課...(2011/09/13)
 新TA上任, 請大家多多指教! 如有問題, 可 mail 聯絡...(2011/09/13)
 卸任啦~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~謝謝大家...(2011/1/24)
 Final exam grade has posted on the Grading page, if you have any questions regarding to your grade, please come to R3-402 or mail to TA before 1/24/2011…(2011/1/20)
 The final exam will take place on Jan. 12, 2011...(2011/1/5)
 Slides of course 10 updated...(2011/1/5)
 Handout 10 updated...(2011/1/5)
 Handout 6, 7, 8 updated...(2011/1/5)
 Slides of course 7 updated...(2011/1/4)
 Slides of course 8, 9 updated...(2010/12/28)
 Handout 9 updated...(2010/12/28)
 ◎ The midterm exam will take place on Dec. 15, 2010...(2010/12/6)
 ◎ Slides of course 5, 6 updated...(2010/12/6)
 ◎ Handout 5 updated...(2010/12/6)
 ◎ Quiz 6 updated...(2010/12/6)
 ◎ The due day of homework 3 will be 9:00 AM, Dec. 15, 2010...(2010/12/6)
 ◎ Suspend WMS classes on 11/24/2010 (Wed.) due to the day of school anniversary games...(2010/11/22)
 ◎ The due day of homework 2 will be 9:00 AM, Nov 17, 2010...(2010/11/5)
 ◎ Slides of course 2, 3, 4 updated...(2010/11/5)
 ◎ Quiz 2, 3, 4, 5 updated...(2010/11/5)
 ◎ Handout 1, 2, 3, 4 updated...(2010/11/5)
 Course outline, Slides of course 1, Quiz 0 & 1, Homework 1 updated...(2010/10/5)
 ◎ 本週課程因吳曉光教授出國暫停一次; 第一次作業將延期一週 (於10/20) 繳交...(2010/10/4)
 新TA上任, 請大家多多指教! 如有問題, 可 mail 聯絡 :)...(2010/09/15)
  Final exam 分數公佈於Grading頁面, 若分數有疑問想看考卷可至太遙402研究室...(2010/1/21)
  Quiz 4 檔案更正...(2010/1/11)
  The final exam will take place on next Wednesday (1/13)...(2010/1/8)
 ◎ Handout 8 & quiz 4 updated...(2010/1/8)
  Handout 9 & 10 & 11 updated...(2010/1/7)
  Quiz 5 & 6 updated...(2010/1/7)
  Slides of course 10 and course 11 updated...(2010/1/6)
 ◎ Slides of course 8 and course 9 updated...(2009/12/29)
 ◎ Slides of course 7 and handout 7 updated...(2009/12/07)
  The mid-term exam will take place on Nov, 18, 2009...(2009/11/11)
  Course + handout 5&6 updated...(2009/11/11)
  Homework 2 due day on 9:00 AM, Nov 4, 2009...(2009/11/1)
 ◎ Slides of course 3&4, quiz 3, Handout 4 updated...(2009/10/22)
 ◎ Homework 1 缺交名單更新...(2009/10/22)
 ◎ The due day of homework 1 will be 9:00 AM, Oct 14, 2009 ...(2009/10/06)
 ◎ lecture 2, Quiz 1 and homework 1 updated...(2009/10/06)
 ◎ lecture 1 updated again, now linking to current files...(2009/09/25)
 ◎ lecture 1 & handout 1 updated...(2009/09/23)
 ◎ 新TA上任, 請大家多多指教, 如果有事聯絡可以寄 mail 給我...(2009/09/23)
 ◎ 卸任啦~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~卸任啦...(2009/01/21)
 ◎ The Final Score and Total Score has updated, Happy New Year!!<( ̄︶ ̄)>...(2009/01/21)
 ◎ Final Exam will be held on this Wednesday(1/14), please make your best effort best on it...(2009/01/11)
 ◎ The all previous grades which including the foreign students have updated...(2009/01/11)
 ◎ Final lectures 11, 12 & Handout 11 has updated...(2009/01/07)
 ◎ Happy New Year 2009!!!  lecture 10 & Handout 10 has updated...(2008/12/31)
 ◎ Merry Christmas!!!  lecture 9 & Handout 9 has updated...(2008/12/24)
 ◎ homework3 updated, please deliver on time...(2008/12/11)
 ◎ lecture 8 & Handout 8 has updated...(2008/12/11)
 ◎ lecture 7 & Handout 7 has updated...(2008/12/03)
 ◎ Sorry for my late updating lecture, lecture 6 has updated...(2008/11/17)
 ◎ lecture 5 & Handout 5 have updated already....(2008/11/05)
 ◎ homework2 updated, please deliver on time...(2008/10/29)
 ◎ lecture 4 & Handout 3 have updated already....(2008/10/29)
 ◎ lecture 3 & Handout 3 have updated already. Welcome to download it...(2008/10/15)
 ◎ About the Guest Book in your left-hand of the page has revived, you can leave some message about this classes, problems, and grades...etc...(2008/10/15)
 ◎ The Grading of Quiz 1 & Quiz 2 has published...(2008/10/15)
 ◎ lecture 2 & homework1 updated, please hand in on time...(2008/10/01)
 ◎ 網頁各部份已經更新,歡迎大家下載資料或投影片 (2008/09/24)
 ◎ 大家好,我是這學期的新任TA,新手上路,請大家多多包含,如有任何問題,歡迎mail給我 (2008/09/24)
 ◎ 作業請全部交至 , thanks(2005/11/25)
 ◎ 期末考參考paper (2006/01/08)

 (1) A Survey of Energy Efficient Network Protocols for Wireless Networks  

 (2) Improving TCPIP Performance over Wireless Networks  

 (3) Network Layer Layer Mobility An Architecture and Survey  

 (4) Performance evaluation of the MoM mobile multicast protocol  

 (5) Toward Self-Organized Mobile Ad Hoc Networks The Terminodes Project  

 (6) The Session Initiation Protocol Internet-centric signaling.pdf  

 ◎ 上課投影片以及作業已開放下載 (2007/09/20)
 ◎ 因信箱故障,作業一請繳交電子檔的同學重新繳交一份。 (2007/09/26)
 ◎ 請同學自行前往左方Grading頁面確認作業一繳交情況,如有疑問請來信告知 (2007/09/27)
 ◎ 課程投影片已更新,請同學自行下載。 (2007/10/29)
 ◎ 更新作業二繳交情況,如有疑問請來信告知。 (2007/11/01)
 ◎ 更新作業三繳交情況,如有疑問請來信告知。 (2007/11/28)
 ◎ 更新期中考成績,如有疑問請至太遙301。 (2007/12/1)
 ◎ 期中考卷電子檔已公佈,請至Handout頁面下載。 (2007/12/21)
 ◎ 課程投影片已更新,請同學自行下載。 (2007/12/26)
 ◎ 課程投影片更新12與13章,請同學自行下載,祝大家考試順利。 (2008/01/07)
 ◎ 更新總成績。 (2008/01/22)


